Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Slam Poetry 321
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Assignment #10 Mystery History Maker

2. What do you have in common with this person?
3. Why is this person historically significant in Canada?
Assignment #14 (Reading Buddies Poem)
Friday, December 3, 2010
Professor Scott Reflection
Friday, November 26, 2010
Asignment #12: AWESOME
Before I get into my post I'd just like to say, Miss Pollock, this is AWESOME! I think this is my favourite assignment so far.
I know this is a bit late so that's why I'm using my PD day to catch up on any homework that is overdue as well as homework due on Monday.
Part 1- Awesome things from 1000 Awesome things
#365- Getting dressed out of the dryer/ laundry basket
I can really relate to this becuase up untill recently I had all of my clothes (or at least the ones that I actually wear) in a duffle bag. I used to just get dressed right out of the duffle bag and at the end of the day throw my dirty clothes on my floor. On Friday I would take all the clothes off my floor and do a load of laundry. After that I put all my clean clothes back in the duffle bag and bring them to whatever house I was going to that Friday (becuase I live one week with my Dad and the next week with my Mom). Then the whole cycle would begin again that week. Last week my parents introduced this magical thing to me, it's called...HANGING UP YOUR CLOTHES! So no more awesome getting dressed out of a bag or me.
#401- The sound of dry leaves blowing across a parking lot
Okay, so I'm going to change this one a little bit to, stepping on crunchy looking leaves. In October (before I moved) I walked home after school, it took about half an hour and I just had to walk straight the entire way. You'd imagine that I would get pretty bored walking for half an hour with nobody to keep me company (I live further than most people from school). One day I decided to challenge myself and I didn't let myself take a step without stepping on a leaf. I pretended that every leaf I stepped on saved a life and every step I took that wasn't on a leaf didn't save a life. I know it probably sounds stupid but it was actually really fun and surprisingly I suceeded! I guess that's proof that there are a lot of leaves. Another time when I was walking home I thought that the guy behind me was following me so I wanted to walk relly quickly. I sang a rap in my head (I believe it was Mockingbird by Eminem) and took 1 step per syllable but singing it at it's regular fast speed. It was pretty cool how fast it forced me to walk and I got home a lot earlier than usual.
#414 Driving home from a long trip and getting all your radio stations back
I can relate to this and I still joke about it with my family. In the summer of 2009 (when I was 11/12) my Mom, sister and I went on a roadtrip across Canada and the northern States. We drove the entire way and in the small towns that we drove through there was usually only one radio station with a mix of songs and genres so this is kind of how it went:
(Classic Rock song comes on) Mom: Yes! Finnaly Some good music.
Me: Yawn...
(Lady Gaga song comes on) Sarah and Me: Oh, I love this song!
Mom: There's so much crap on the radio now and days.
(Some rap song comes on) Sarah and Mom: Eww, turn it off!
Me: Hey, I like this beat!
The worst of it was in Montana and Wyoming when there was nothing but 24/7 country music on the radio and in restaurants. We stopped at Pizza Hut and there was this super twangy country song that went something like, "She's a fire Cracker!"
We were so relieved to get back into Ottawa and have all our good radio stations back!
I was inspired by this assignment and decided to make my own list of awesome things, I'm no where near 1000 and I lost a page of awesome things but here's my list of the simple but awesome things in life:
1. Reaching into a bag of M&M's and pulling out more than one stuck together
2. Closing the dishwasher with your foot
3. Cooking a meal and having everything times to be done at the same time
4. Pulling a push door/pushing a pull door
5. Turing the TV/radio on just as your favourite show/song comes on
6. Finding out the name of that song you kept hearing
7. Pinching yourself and then realizing you're NOT dreaming
8. Walking into a store and finding exactly what you were looking for
9. Sitting in your warm house with hot chocolate watching the snow outside
10. Laughing so hard you cry
11. Crying so hard you laugh
12. Correcting your teacher
13. When the google logo changes because it's a holiday
14. Watching a movie on TV that you own and wouldn't normally be watching
15. Wearing something two days in a row without washing it
16. Telling secrets to random people but not telling your best friends
17. When your friend says word and you know exactly what their talking about and burst out laughing
18. Singing out loud in public places
19. Pretending you're the girl kissing the hot guy in the movie
20. Cuddling with your pillow or a big stuffed animal
21. The snooze button
22. Someones face just before they sneeze
23. Writing a row of !'s and getting a 1 at the end!!!!!!!!!!1
24. The crackling sound that rice krispies make when you pour milk into them
25. laughing at someones laugh
26. Inside jokes
27. Reading an entire book at Chapters and without having to buy it
28. Superstitions
29. When your cat walks on your keyboard
30. Hold/elavator music
#17 (on my list) - When your friend says one word and you know exactly what they mean and burst out laughing
This happened to me the other day. My best friend, Zoe was blowing her nose and I said, "Remember" and she knew exactly what I was talking about and stated laughing. It was something that happened in grade 4 or 5 when we were outside and I really needed a kleenex to blow my nose. Zoe told me that her Dad told her when they were camping that you can just snort out of nose and then kind of wipe your nose. So I decided to try that but it didn't work out so well because I was just sitting there with snot hanging out of my nose. Sorry for making it all gross and graphic but between Zoe and I, it's pretty funny.
Okay, so that's my awesome post. I hope you enjoyed it!
Mega-Awesome Hannah
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Assignment #11: Letters of Remembrance
Dear Father,
I hope all of you are doing well back at home. I'm afraid I can't say the same for myself. I hate the feeling of the sun melting through my heavy uniform, we don't get much shower time so sometimes I have to go to bed in a pool of my own sweat. The nights here are freezing so many people are getting very sick from the crazy temperature drop. There is a lot of air pollution and a shortage of fresh drinking water.
The worst thing that has happened was the passing of my friend, Tim. When we first arrived in a Afghanistan most of the guys underestimated me because I'm a girl. They soon realized how tough I can be but Tim was nice to me and helpful from the beginning. I finally understand what you mean about creeping around a corner and never knowing if you will meet a bullet. I have been luckier than you were though, no major injuries, yet that is.
We don't get much time to eat either and the food is nothing like what what I'm used to at home. I didn't realize how much I would miss Mom's blueberry pancakes! When we do have appetizing food the horrible stench of body odor and rotting bodies takes over and I lose my appetite. I can't believe that I ever wanted to lose weight in high school, now all I want to do is eat and gain all the weight I have lost from not being able to eat.
It is just sinking in that I am here to kill people. I can't bear hearing it in those words, just knowing that I might be taking the life of someone's child, parent, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, friend, sister, brother, chills me deep down inside. I feel like a terrible person and the only thing that gets me through is knowing that I am doing a good thing for my country and all of Canada's citizens.
I feel like my days are numbered. I either come back or I don't, and that's all there is to it. So please Dad, pray that I will come back, I feel a huge sense of accomplishment but I know that I have a whole life waiting for me back home. Mom says that since you've come back from war you haven't been the same. I realise that I may not be the same Fi that I was before the war but this was something I was meant to do.
Send all my love to Mom, Billy, Amanda, Grandma Josie and baby Riley. It's your love and support that keep me going and give me strength to pull through all the hard times. Tell Mom not to cry, I'll be home soon so don't give up on me or lose faith in me.
I realise that this may not arrive for a while but please write back.

your daughter,

Sunday, November 7, 2010
How am I creative?

This is a picture of the Zephyrs: Charlotte, Farrah, Jillian, Emma and Me:

This is a picture from another production of the goddess that I wasn't in. This is from the cutest scene EVER where cupid sings to Psyche as she dies in is arms:

This is our Cupid aka Caleb and Psyche aka Rachel (unfortunately there is no cute picture from that scene)

Friday, October 22, 2010
World of Work

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Trevor Project
Monday, October 18, 2010
Island Man

an island man wakes up
to the sound of blue surf

in his head
the steady breaking and wombing
wild seabirds
and fishermen pushing out to sea
the sun surfacing defiantly
from the east
of his small emerald island
He always comes back
groggily groggily
comes back to sands
of a grey metallic soar
to a surge of wheels
to dull North Circular roar
muffling muffling
his crumpled pillow waves
island man heaves himself
another London day
I would most like to wake up in a modern decor loft apartment in Manhatten. New York is by far my favourtie city, I love the people, the food, the fashion, the broadway! I wouldn't want to live in New York--big city crime stuff kind of freaks me out--but waking up their and being able to visit the city for a little while would be brill. I would also want to wake up in New York City so I could visit my relatives who live there (they are SO lucky!)
So that's my Island Man post, I hope you enjoyed it!
ps. My computer wasn't really cooperating with the embedding of photo's so I had to put them at the top and it was only embedding certain picture's so I had to put up different one's than I planned to. Oh well, things happen. Toodles Bloggers!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
4 Specific things that you enjoyed about Khaleefa's presentation.
2. I really liked how he compared the difference between poetry and rap and the process of writing both of them.
3. He did a great job at answering everyone's questions thoroughly and to the best of his ability.
4. I really liked the "Don't Look" poem that he wrote, especially the stanza about the girl with the eating disorder because I recently wrote a similar rap! I also like how he compared the boy and girl to a moth and butterfly because it made me have a new appreciation for them.
1. He mentioned that syllables are really important when you write an rap and to pay attention to how many are in a line. I started doing that and my raps and poems are really getting better!
2. I liked when he said that he doesn't use a thesaurus when he writes because neither do I, I always found it better to just use your own words. I do, however use a dictionary and Google to find the meaning of words like he does.
3. I want to start showing my writing to more people and stop being as secretive because he said that it's just better to put it out there, and that's the best way to get better.
2 Questions you have for Khaleefa.
2. What advice do you have for writers that are scared or embarrassed to show their work to others?
1. Khaleefa is a good role model for others because he's just one of many examples of people who followed their dream and succeeded, he's an inspiration to many budding writers and artist in general. He is definitely a role model to me!
By: Hannah Z. S.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Shoes (Empathy Post)
Note: I know this is a very strange piece of writing, it's open to many different interpretations.
Friday, October 8, 2010
It gets Better...
Rap number 1 (not really related but I'm trying to connect it with rap number 2)
You open up your drawer to make yourself bleed,
And then hide it under wristbands so no one can see,
You show a cut here and there just to show that you're scared,
But people think it's just a papercut, they think it's just an accident,
But you know that it's your fears that you can't show through simple tears,
Ya, Your caught underwater and you're struggling to breathe,
But you just keep sinking deeper and deeper into your blood,
But what's blood and what's tears, just ways to cover up your fears?
You're just one big mess trying to hide under your dress,
Or better yet your fears, that trigger the tears.
Here's rap number 2 (the one I wrote after Dr. Phil)
A child takes their life almost every day,
Open up their facebook page to see "I hate you 'cause your gay."
Hey kid your life is worth it, just see the light through the tunnel.
It's okay to make a puddle when your eyes become rainclouds,
Because the puddles will dry, don't be ashamed when you cry,
Just know you're hurting more than yourself when you die.
Your life is yours, you owe nothing to no one,
Just be yourself and your haters wont mind.
It's gonna hurt when you fall from Heaven , becuase death can wait,
No one lives forever but life can be great.
Live, love, laugh may not always be true,
But it sure as hell is better than cry, hate, die.
I like the sound of his voice but I'm afraid I don't agree,
The good shouldn't die young,
They should make history.
Okay, so that's all I have for now. It's not done but the last line will probably be "Just know it gets better."
I hope you enjoyed my opinion piece and raps.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
3, 2, 1
3 things that I think would have helped to improve our presentation
1. I think we could have done better in the pronunciation and enunciation department (say that 3 times fast!)
2. Although it flowed pretty well, we could have been a little more rehearsed so it wasn't as "thrown together."
3. We could have taken a hint from Shakespearean actors and used the "3 quarter rule" so our backs weren't turned to the audience.
2 things that I think went really well
1. The whole element of sleeping and having empathy dreams worked well to tie everything together.
2. There were small hints of humor in some of the skits that made the audience laugh and kept them entertained.
1 Piece of advice I have for students performing in the future
1. Practice, practice, practice! You know what they say "practice makes perfect" and if you do happen to make a mistake just go along with it, work it! Nobody will know.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Assignment #3 - Behind your Name
This is my second blog assignment, Behind your Name.
The reason I decided to include the whole meaning stuff before what I thought about my name is because I already knew the meanings of my name so my impressions wont change. Before I started this assignment I had mixed views on my name. I'm one of those people who doesn't like when other people are the same as me, weather it be music taste, clothing or their name so I do wish I had a name that was less common. In the year I was born Hannah was the the eighth most popular name, by 2000 it was second most popular after Emily, it is now ranked at number seven.
I do think my name is cool though. I mean come on, it's a palindrome! How many people can say that? Ava, Otto, Anna, Aya, Eve, Bob, that's about it. I don't really mind being called Hannah Banana (and you don't even have to use a British accent!) but please, do not call me Hannah Montana! Most of the time I'd say I quite like my name though, it seems suited to me and I can't picture myself with any other name.
My middle name Zoe, means life in Greek. The cool thing about my middle name is that it's my best friend's first name and her parents were going to name her Hannah! My mom named my sister Sarah Anne and she picked out my first name but she couldn't come up with a middle name for me so she let my dad pick it out. I REALLY like my middle name, it's a really cool, funky, artsy sort of name that is definitively suited to me. Another funny thing about the name Zoe is I had a gold fish when I was little and I named it Zoe because it meant life and I wanted it to live a long time. The gold fish lived over a year which is really long for a gold fish. A lot of people seem to be embarrassed by their middle name and don't tell people, I'm not like that, I even have my middle name on my Facebook. I have empathy for those out there who don't have middle names, because it ROCKS!
My last name, Shapiro means Sapphire and is the Yiddish name for a city in Germany. The name Shapiro is connected with the Issachar tribe, according to the Torah they are decedents of some dude named Issachar so maybe I am too! All I really know about the Shapiro side of my history is that my Grandpa's (on my dad's side) parents immigrated from Russia and Poland to Brooklyn, New York. My Grandpa moved to Montreal to peruse his career in photography and the rest on the Shapiro's stayed in New York. I just recently connected with my relatives on my Trip to New York City last March and they are such cool people! I'm really excited to learn about the Transcontinental Railway because my Mom's side of the family were connected with that.

Here is the Shapiro family crest, I found out this by researching; In the Torah sheep represent being protected. Sheep are connected with the Issachar tribe so that explains why there is one on the Shapiro crest.
My mom's last name, Toye is generally an old English name but in my family Toye was changed from the Chinese name Choy when my great-grandfather moved to Canada. The closest thing I could find to the name Choy was the name Choi and is now the fourth most common Korean surname after Kim, Lee and Park. The meaning of the name Choi is mountain.
After piecing all of that together I think my name (Gracious, Blossom, Life, Sapphire, Mountain) does suit me. Blossom, Mountain and Sapphire seem like symbolic items and they relate to nature. The meaning of my middle name rocks because I think living life to it's fullest and enjoying every bit of it is super important. I like to consider myself gracious, I'm not sure if everyone does but one time I posted as my facebook status "Describe me in one word" and someone said "compassionate." I looked up the word gracious on and the third meaning was: of a merciful and compassionate nature so there you go.
If I could give myself a new name it would be Mercedes Belladonna.
Mercedes because 1. It's the name of a glee character and 2. Mercedes are my favourite cars (I'm literally obsessed with them that whenever I see one I point it out to everyone by saying "Mercedes" out loud.)
Belladonna because before the Middle Ages women put a poison called Belladonna in their eyes to make them appear bigger, them they realized that it caused blindness over time. They also used Belladonna on the tips of arrows in the Middle Ages. I just thought that was a cool, historical piece of evidence.
So that's about all I'm going to write because this post is getting out of control, I may write another post on a fictional characters name but it wont be nearly as long.
Thanks for reading,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Welcome Post
My name is Hannah.
I am super stoked about this new blogging stuff we're doing in class. I'm a very artsy person, I play guitar, bass, djembai and ukulele. I write, dance, sing and act. I may seem like a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl but one day I will be a world famous Fashion Designer! I'm a TV addict, my favourite shows are Glee, 90210, Degrassi, So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway and Will and Grace. I also LOVE music, I listen to every genre of music but my favourite bands/singers are Lady Gaga, Eminem, Paramore, Adam Lambert, Owl City and The Vitamin String Quartet. Depending on how well you know me you me you probably think I'm either shy and quiet or Loud, Hyper and Outgoing. The people who pick the second one are the ones who are right. So that's all for now!
Bye bloggers.
-Hannah :)