I think that the conversation we had in class today was extremely important. I know at Fielding we have assembalies and teachers telling us all the time that we shouldn't be bullying people but they never really go in to the depth of how serious the matter is. We NEED to understand how much words can hurt, how deep they hurt when they stab us. People always talk about the need to stop being prejudice to people of a different race, religion, gender, ability but rarely does sexual orientation come up. Homophobia is the main source of bullying I see going on, "That's so gay" and "You're such a F**" are used so much in the daily lives of most youth and we need to put a stop to that. I see people being called gay and they usually blow it off but I know deep down it hurts. Not because they don't like that people are calling them gay but that people are saying in an insulting way. Gay is NOT a synonym for stupid. What if who you are was used against you, as an insult? That's so Muslim, that's so 13 year old, that's so Japanese. I mean seriously? Being murdered becuase you're gay is heartbreaking but taking your own life because you can stand to be tormented every single day. Now that's just not right. Those people could have grown up to find a cure for cancer or AIDS, they could become Prime Minister, or win the nobel peace prize. Last year people came up to me asking if I was Jewish, Bisexual or "Emo", but seriously, who the hell cares? Would you think of me any differently, is is really that important? As some of you might know I'm auditioning for Canterbury in January. One of the requirements is to write a poem, I was going to write a poem about how a lot of people diss our generation but they're forgeting who raised and we're really not that bad. Then I though about it and realized that yes, we are good people, be can do great things and turn this world around but nobody's perfect. Drawing a Nazi sign on a locker--which I witnessed--could be the start of a second Haulocaust. So instead I am writing about this very issue; Suicide. I wrote a rap a little while ago and then wrote another one after watching Dr. Phil the other day. The first one is pretty much done and the second one is still in the process of being written. Here they are:
Rap number 1 (not really related but I'm trying to connect it with rap number 2)
You open up your drawer to make yourself bleed,
And then hide it under wristbands so no one can see,
You show a cut here and there just to show that you're scared,
But people think it's just a papercut, they think it's just an accident,
But you know that it's your fears that you can't show through simple tears,
Ya, Your caught underwater and you're struggling to breathe,
But you just keep sinking deeper and deeper into your blood,
But what's blood and what's tears, just ways to cover up your fears?
You're just one big mess trying to hide under your dress,
Or better yet your fears, that trigger the tears.
Here's rap number 2 (the one I wrote after Dr. Phil)
A child takes their life almost every day,
Open up their facebook page to see "I hate you 'cause your gay."
Hey kid your life is worth it, just see the light through the tunnel.
It's okay to make a puddle when your eyes become rainclouds,
Because the puddles will dry, don't be ashamed when you cry,
Just know you're hurting more than yourself when you die.
Your life is yours, you owe nothing to no one,
Just be yourself and your haters wont mind.
It's gonna hurt when you fall from Heaven , becuase death can wait,
No one lives forever but life can be great.
Live, love, laugh may not always be true,
But it sure as hell is better than cry, hate, die.
I like the sound of his voice but I'm afraid I don't agree,
The good shouldn't die young,
They should make history.
Okay, so that's all I have for now. It's not done but the last line will probably be "Just know it gets better."
I hope you enjoyed my opinion piece and raps.