1. I want to learn more about the lines and timing in a slam poem. For example, do slam poems have stanzas?
2. I wanted to find out some stuff about rhyming vs non-rhyming poems. Are there ways to incorporate a mixture of rhyming parts and non-rhyming parts in the same poem?
3. Do you have to perform it for it to be considered a spoken word or slam poem? If so, what type of poem would it be if you just wrote it and didn't perform?
2 things that Beth Anne or Greg reinforced that we have already been doing in class, or you have already been doing in your own writing.
1. I thought it was really cool that Greg mentioned that literally anything written is poetry. I've never thought about it in that way but it completely makes sense.
2. I loved how Beth Anne used body language and acting to really add to her poetry. It makes you feel more connected as she performs and helps you to understand what she is saying.
1 poem that you wrote yesterday
I didn't finnish the poem or anything but ths is what I have so far:
Laptops clicking open to expose a world of viruses, facebook, pornography. A world of mystery and fear that somehow sucks you in and clutches you into a hug. A hug that seems welcoming yet will come back to haunt you when you least expect it.
All life would close if all laptops closed. We, the human race have become dependent on our laptops. They are the drug of social updates and the life around us that we are too afraid to step into, so instread we open our laptops.
If it were to crash, our homework, our knowledge, our lives would crash. But hey, do we have a choice?